There are people in this world gifted power for no cost. People who get their abilities for free, given stipends to gain powers which are nothing but benefit, or whose downsides can be easily dealt with. This... Isn't that. On offer today are powers with costs all their own, weaknesses, downsides, and reasons you'd want to avoid them. And you're free to do so, of course, simply select nothing and move on. Or you could see just what you can wring out of these "awful" powers, and find out how "not worth it" they really are when they're all you have left. Remember: Nothing is free, but anything can be haggled.
There are no points here. Take whatever you'd like, because these powers aren't free in and of themselves. If necessary, the way powers are applied to you can shift to account for effects already applied. Perhaps a sight-based power will become hearing-based if taken alongside blindness, or similar sorts of changes. Powers will interact, combine, and synergize in whatever way makes the most sense for their various metaphysics, and you can decide the order of operations for the powers you take. It is important to remember that these powers are not fiat-backed, and have mechanisms and sources behind them. Of particular note, if you gain immortality through some means, anything gained here which affects your lifespan or aging affects any downsides that immortality has accordingly. A vampire who took a lifespan-halving power would need twice as much blood, while a psychic projection in constant pain would feel twice as much.
CYOA by Aldar, more here
I also have a Kofi